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The Aviva Foundry

Building the skills we need for a digital future

What is The Aviva Foundry?

The Aviva Foundry is a learning community, developing the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in an increasingly digitised world. As well as Aviva employees, it’s open to T Level students and digital apprentices working in smaller local businesses.

The Aviva Foundry has been launched in Norwich with a view to expanding the concept to other key Aviva locations in the near future. Over time, our ambition is to help colleagues and communities across the UK to up-skill and prepare for a digitised future.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

We’ve partnered with learning provider Decoded, who have spent over a decade working with thousands of businesses and Governments around the world, to create learning on today’s most powerful data tools, technologies, and learning techniques.

Colleges across Norwich
We’re also collaborating with colleges across the region to ensure the learning opportunities and resources we provide complement their own study programmes and that our work placements meet the needs of students who are interested in a digital career.

The Aviva Foundry Launch

The Aviva Foundry was recently launched at our Head office here in Norwich. Already it’s been well received by colleagues across the organisation. And we’re keen for more people outside the business to get involved and benefit from it too.

Who is The Aviva Foundry for?

T-Level Students

If you’re a T Level student on a digital-focused course, the Aviva Foundry is definitely for you. The Immersion Sessions and Digital Bootcamps we talk about further down the page, will give valuable real-world context to your studies.

Local Employers and Apprentices

As well as making The Aviva Foundry available to other local apprentices, we’re also donating part of our Apprenticeship Levy to smaller companies around Norwich to help them with the cost of training more digital apprentices.

Aviva Colleagues

Of course, if you already work with us, the Aviva Foundry is here for you too. It’s open to all our employees, regardless of role, experience, or qualifications. All you need is the desire to learn more about digital and the motivation to get involved.

Digital Skills for All

One of the Aviva Foundry’s key launch initiatives is a series of one-hour Immersion Sessions, designed to offer an introduction to topics across digital.

The sessions are delivered virtually by our learning partner Decoded and are open to T Level students and digital apprentices in other organisations, as well as Aviva employees.

Each session includes a mix of presentation-style learning, games, and activities. And those taking part are given learning content to take away.

You can pick and choose the ones that would be most beneficial to you. But we’d recommend starting with the Digital Landscape, as this will help to set the scene for others in the series.

Digital Landscape

Get a helicopter view of the digital landscape and learn about some concepts including APIs, AI, IoT, and Cybersecurity. It’s the perfect introduction to our other – more focused – sessions.

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Data & Data Questions

Explore a few important concepts around data-informed decision-making, then look at different kinds of data and how organisations can create a culture that capitalises on them all.

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Data Storytelling

Immerse yourself in the world of data storytelling. Learn how best to interrogate data once you have it. And then the most effective ways to communicate the insights it offers.

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Design Thinking

Learn about the people-centric mindset at the core of Design thinking. Discover how this mindset can fundamentally change the way you work and enable you to solve all kinds of problems.

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Demystifying Ransomware Attacks

Take part in interactive demos that explain how ransomware attacks are deployed, the impact they can have, and the countermeasures we can take to protect against them in the future.

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Developer Mindset

Step into the shoes of a programmer and get hands-on with computational thinking and Python as you discover the variety of tools today’s developers use.

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Cybersecurity Mindset

Explore the two aspects of cybersecurity risk: technology and humans. And discover some of the ways we, as individuals, can reduce the risk of either being hacked.

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Understanding AI

Learn how the definition of Artificial Intelligence has changed in recent years and explore the three major types of machine learning algorithms that are used in the industry today.

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Enjoy a great introduction to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) – what they are, how they work, and the crucial role they play in the industry today.

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Crypto, Blockchain & Beyond

Dive into the world of web3, interact with a public Blockchain technology, and discover the many ways in which it has the potential to shape our future.

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Digital Bootcamps

If you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience, our Digital Bootcamps offer the chance to tackle real-world customer problems as part of a project team. They’re a great way to develop your practical skills and boost your understanding of different digital roles.

Each eight-week bootcamp combines face-to-face workshops with self-directed learning, using resources developed by Decoded. They’re specifically designed to help you identify where your skills and interests lie, and determine the best digital path for you.

Bootcamps are available for T Level students and Aviva colleagues. For more information, email theavivafoundry@aviva.com.