Poppy Quinn
Senior Insurance Risk Manager
When I was applying to university to find a career path into actuarial, I began doubting the value of a degree in the face of the recently trebled fees. I started searching for school leaver programmes to see what was out there. One day, Aviva’s Actuarial apprentice scheme popped up in my search results and I couldn’t believe that there was a school leaver programme for the career I wanted! I immediately applied. After a few rounds of interviews, I got the call saying I had been offered a place on the scheme.
I’ve been with Aviva for 11 years now. I started my career in Norwich and relocated to Canada eight years ago. I’ve worked in six different areas so far, and there are still so many more I haven’t explored yet. There’s always something new to learn. The world of insurance is always developing, too. I see myself continuing to work on interesting problems and want to inspire others to do their best work too.